Tuesday, April 21, 2009


The mid-March to mid-April weather has cracked. Raw, blustery, nasty winds, sandstorms, freak snowstorms, and such are all part of the fun. Yesterday started at 32F, the sun came out and the intensity was back, ~75-80 in the late afternoon. Good stuff. Way to go sun. Temps dropped back to about freezing overnight, so it was 34 when I hopped on the bike. Much better than 26 and 20 mph sustained winds that feel like a fistful of sand in the face. 

April was worse weather than January, so I am glad to see the warm weather return. 

Put away the wool hats and reach for the sunscreen! 

1 comment:

hog said...

Supposed to be 80 and sunny in old NE. Believe it when I see it.