Saturday, April 25, 2009

Got Feral Kittens?

My back porch became a favorite spot for some feral and outdoor cats over the winter. I opened the blinds yesterday to see the new batch of kittens that were emerging from under the porch. The mama looked at me in mountain lion mode and doesn't look like she wants to be messed with. I'm not sure if I should do anything or just leave them be. I'm hesitant to call the animal shelter because I think they will assume they have rabies and put them down. As long as they look happy and healthy I'm thinking I'll leave them be. 

I must be getting old or soft or both, they look damn cute and it's tempting to claim a couple. 

Cats on my blog, what next?!


Eggboy said...

Jesus Christ, Bradzilla, you are becoming old and weak. The Brad I used to know would have used the kitties in a burrito because they are sooooo tender. :-0

stephanie said...

i know i am looking at this like, a month later, but I can't beleive you used "cute" and "cats" in the same sentence.