Saturday, April 25, 2009

Earth Day Bonanza

The RE students (I think Daniel and Paul did all the work)  hosted a big earth day event on campus. They bused in local kids in grades 1-4 for the morning. An impressive volume of kids and participants, local farmers and other local businesses set up booths, educational stuff, and a raffle of organic products and earth day t-shits and such. I co-hosted a science quiz with Brian. The kids got super excited to win a raffle ticket for getting the right answer, and they got to play again just by going back into the line. They figured out that if they watched long enough, questions would cycle back through and they memorized them so they could win extra raffle tickets. So easy to brainwash 'em if you get to them early enough.

The most popular was the "paint the veggie oil car" event, seen above, and the solar oven baked chocolate chip cookies.

Apparently last year's emcee was pretty good in his role - and one of the kids let me know it. "You weren't here last year, were you? He was much better." Thanks for the honesty kid.


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