Thursday, May 21, 2009

Which one's the greenie??

When you look at a huge batch of graduates, how can you tell which ones are in renewable energy?

Friday, May 8, 2009

Sooooo Done!

We have finished the last of the finals! I dropped off the A train, "earning" only a B in one of my classes. Who could believe it?!

Calhoun ran across a group of us drinking coffee and doing some last minute studying before the last final. Calhoun is one of the coolest people on the planet. He hangs for a moment, then rises at 10 minutes before the start of the test, and says "Well, after two years of classes here at San Juan, I am about to go track down a calculator to use in the final. I'll see you there."

After the last final we all got together for a beer. Maybe two. While enjoying cold beer in the high desert, Tevia and Brad decided to get up the next morning and drive for 13 hours to California to look for work. You can imagine correctly that 13 of driving in the desert the next morning after a couple of beers might be a little bright and a little hot and it was. We got to her sister's place in Palm Desert, barely above 100 at night, dropping down to mid-80's. Yesterday we went to the coast. The wild fires around Santa Barbara make it look like a volcano erupted in the hills behind the city. 

We knew the concept of just showing up would in some cases be ill received, and in other cases well received, and it would be a low rate of successful interactions. It's been good to hit the road, meet some folks that are in the local solar economy, and stir the pot a little. The electronic search has not been successful so here I am.