Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Typical New Yorker

End of year break allowed me to travel back east to Boston, and from there I squeezed in visits to NYC, NJ, and Washington DC. I arrived to piles of heavy wet snow and was totally shocked we were allowed to land. I am guessing all the bailout airports were full of planes by that late in the day and they figured we may as well try Boston. 

The snow throughout the trip certainly cut down on visiting people and I missed seeing several folks I'd love to have seen, but it gave me a good excuse to hunker down at my folks' place and hang out with the family for some extra quality time. Plus I got to see all of my nieces and my nephew!

I dragged cycling shoes and cold weather gear all the way out there, but never had a day when Roger was free to ride and that the continually falling snow left our side roads clear enough to ride. The day I left he got out for a ride in which his water bottles froze in under an hour. Not fair to miss out! 

My favorite anecdote of the trip was on the train to NYC. A woman sits down next to me on the fully booked train. Eventually she manages to engage me in conversation even though I had the iPod on and was listening to stories from the Moth. I answer that I am living out west in the 4 corners area, and she says, "Don't you have trouble talking to those people? Every time I go out there I get the same story". 

They tell me "Oh a typical New Yorker. You think you know everything." 

And she tells them right back, "Yes I do know everything, because we have everything, and everything we have is better!" 


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