Thursday, September 25, 2008

Doin' Time in the Yard

The RE program includes lot's of class time on the NEC, lecture time, electric lab time, homework of course, and then doin' time in the yard with the crew.  Here we are testing off on wire splicing, terminal crimping, and other tools-use exercises, all chomping at the bit to start throwing panels up, but we gotta start at the beginning and work our way there.

Here is some of the crew that is signed up for the RE program. They let me in even though I don't have long hair and am not currently sporting any facial hair. 

The program doesn't have budget money for an actual yard building, so we work in the weather. Right now it is sunny sunny sunny, which is great, but even here they have bad weather from time to time, or so I have heard. It is high desert, so the temperatures will swing 50 degrees F (10 C) between night low and day high. Which means in the winter we'll be getting subfreezing temperatures during the night, making working with tools and metal a bit slower. And do not stick your tongue on the aluminum frame. 

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