We are screaming through finals and have wrapped up classes. Just finished my last written exam, I have a paper to turn in, and tomorrow I have to take a hands on tools, circuits, and conduit exam.
The neighbor kids were waiting for the bus when I left this morning, which is common. Each day they stare in disbelief as I load up on the bike, wearing a screaming-yellow-glow-in-the-dark jacket and head off to school with backpack strapped onto the rack. (I am not sure if they stare because of fashion issues or just looking at the local oddity that rides a bike in oil-and-gas town.)
THis morning, one of the girls says, "Dude - Don't you get cold riding your bike every day?" It's below freezing out in the morning, and sometimes all day lately.
When you are my age, if a teen does not call you "Sir" or "Old Guy" or some other pejorative term, it's a compliment. It was a good omen to start the day, so I'm feeling pretty good about it.
Then the girl next to her holds her hand up to shield it from me, but speaks loud enough for me to hear, and says to her friend, "What's up with his jacket?! Ugggg-Ly."
Balance is restored.